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Our Services

Our Services

Ideal growth in organisational performance can be achieved only by developing several factors. According to the needs of our clients, we provide support in establishing and maintaining organisational strategy, optimising and re-engineering organisational processes and in managing organisational regeneration. In order to boost organisational and individual performance we support the planning and updating of human resource strategies, the determination and realisation of development and training demand, the training of top management and the professional planning and implementation of projects within the organisation. Our customized, result-oriented products are delivered by the processes of professional consultancy methods. Our clients are never left behind, the support and consultancy needed in the implementation phase is part of the development process as well.

Project Development and Management

Project Development and Management

Do I think in development? As a project? With EU funding?

Organisations reach their unique development goals through projects. There can be several obstacles to successful project implementation, such as absent or underdeveloped controlling, an organisational culture that does not foster the logic of a project or the lack of prepared managers. Apart from the ‘traditional’ project management methods, in order to realise complex or ‘hard-to-define’ projects, we support our clients in implementing iterative and agile project management methodologies. We support the organisation in the preparation and shaping of internal manuals , furthermore if needed we take over the task of detailed planning and management as well. We have more than a decade of experience in planning and managing complex development programmes, HR and public administration development projects from EU funds (State Reform Operational Programme, Social Renewal Operational Programme).

Adult Training

Adult Training

Does a competence development education help in the development of organisational operation or in the increasement colleague excelence?

We do believe it does. By breaking away from the ordinary work environment, breakthroughs, threshold experiences can be achieved both individual and organisational level. At Rávezető Projekt Kft. we hold the belief that improving organisational performance is achieved by developing several factors simultaneously by utilising multiple means out of which education is key. Our company has an adult training licence (our register number is:E-000362/2014). While designing the specification of development and education we take into account the requirements and relevant knowlegde level of our clients and customize our progtam to that need. According to our accpeted educational strategy (you can find the exract on our website) we pursue to create and offer differenciated, varied and utilized education-method solutions (1-2-3 day trainings, e-learning modules, online training elements, follow up services). Our innner and outer trainer team has a multi-year experience and outstanding professional knowledge, that guarantees the friendly and free atmosphere which best serves to achieve the predeterminated goals.

We hope that your colleagues also will be satisfied with out services!


Strategy Building and Organisation Development

Strategy Building and Organisation Development

Where would I like to get? In how much time? Which way should I go?

Every organisation needs strategic thinking, however due to the urgent tasks and quick changes, strategy building may require efforts that seem to be futile. The configuration and implementation of a feasible strategy and putting processes and human resources into the service of that strategy is a real challenge. We provide professional support from the creation of the strategy until the first momentum of implementation. We support our clients in the improvement of strategic implementation ability and efficiency at a level corresponding the maturity of a given organisation. This can be accomplished by the optimisation of strategic processes, work organisation and the creation of an organisational culture based on cooperation.

Business Coaching

Business Coaching

Business Coaching - Do I really need it?

The leaders of nowdays are still left alone in the decision making process with the responsibility, despite all the organisational support.

Which are the viewpoints of my decision? Do I choose right?

Our experts support leaders work with the joint analysis of organisational problems and challenges, decision milestones, former and present desicions with the help of their unique approach and own leder experiences.

What do I have to do in order to become a better leader?

The personal and trustworthy relationship between the leader and consultant can promote the development of leadership skills and competences - with the help of several practices and feedback - in order to maximise personal benefit.

Workplace Stress Audit

Workplace Stress Audit

Increse your savings with stress reduction!

The Hungarian GDP loss caused by workkplace stress is approximately 1000 billion HUF according to the survey carried out by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Stress is also responsible for 50-60% of sick leaves directly or indirectly.

With our help:

  • Reduce risk with the reduction of effects of harmful stress!
  • Increase your co-workers’ and your company’s performance!
  • Reduce absence and fluctuation!
  • Increase creativity and proactivity!
  • Motivate your employees at all levels of the organization!
  • Increase workplace atmosphere!

*European Agency for Safety and Health at Work 2000. Report - Research on Work-Related Stress.

Go to the website

Human Development

Human Development

Does it have a positive effect on organisational operation, if I care more about the skills & competences and motivation of my employees?

As a leader, it is easy to answer ‘yes’ to that question, however it is hard to take action. Our colleagues support the development of organisational operation by measuring and analysing the HR needs of organisations, creating a needs-based HR development strategy, recruitment of new employees, motivation and training of employees and the constant evaluation of individual performance. We believe that an organisation can only be successful on the long run if it puts emphasis on the control of organisational processes and attends to the motivation and quality development of available human resources

Research, Survey

Research, Survey

Are my customers satisfied? What should I develop to overtake my competitors?

Many believes, that research and analysis is the privilege of the biggest organisations. They do not anticipate, that they turned their backs on important information that influences the organisation's operation and which information is impossible to gather elsewhere. During the operation of laber unions, a huge amount of information and data are emerging, which are barely put into use or aren't even recorded, despite the fact, these analyses are often end up in unexpected and very useful results and discoveries. If required, we identify those areas, where researches have to be done, we plan and make a comprehensive investigation on those issues that can be beneficial for your organisation. We offer examination, survey and analysis included mesurement of client satisfaction, pre-development audit, needs assessment, the impact assesment of implemented novelty and data mining.